How to Choose Homeschool Curriculum

by | Oct 17, 2020 | Blog, Recommendations | 0 comments

Last updated on September 30th, 2023 at 10:05 pm

For anyone new to homeschooling, how to choose a homeschool curriculum might be your biggest question/fear! It is a big question, and you will most likely get a different answer for each person you ask. I’m here to share some steps that have helped make this process less overwhelming. By no means is this the only way, but it is what has worked for me. There is always new curriculum being written, so picking curriculum is a never-ending task, but I consider a few things when deciding on curriculum.

1. Will I enjoy teaching this curriculum?

Is it easy to focus only on your children’s needs, but if you plan to actively be involved in their learning, it is important to consider your personality. If you enjoy making things up as you go and improvising, consider not picking a curriculum that is scripted because you will be bored out of your mind, and you will most likely bore your child, too. If you are new to homeschooling and feel unsure and overwhelmed at not having more structure, try something that might have some dictation to help you find your flow.

2. Will my child enjoy learning this way?

If you find a curriculum that you think might be a winner regarding content, consider the type of learning it is asking of your child. There are plenty of curriculum that are simply worksheets and reading. If your child is not a strong reader or doesn’t absorb knowledge best when reading, you can either adapt the curriculum and read it to your child, or you can pick another type of curriculum incorporating more hands-on learning and projects. Plenty of apps and websites have amazing curriculum, and while some students thrive off of online learning, for some (my children specifically), screens make them go a little crazy.

3. What are others saying?

I have always been a person who likes to ask many (maybe too many) questions. I’ve always valued reading reviews and asking people what they like and dislike. When I first started homeschooling, I searched a local homeschooling Facebook group for feedback on “kindergarten math curriculum” and “beginner reading curriculum.”  As I expected, there were many responses, but a few names kept getting repeated, and I noted those. I paid close attention to why people said they liked a particular curriculum and noted those responses also. If they liked it because it was challenging, interactive, or had a unique perspective, I paid attention and noted which types of responses aligned with my goals and hopes for homeschooling. After getting a few names down of possibilities, I went to places like Amazon and read more reviews on it there. Eventually, I narrowed possibilities down based on what seemed like it would fit our home the best.

4. What matters to my family?

Aside from these three questions that I ask myself, it is important to consider your plans for homeschooling and your hopes. Here are a few things I have considered that are particular to our family, but hopefully will help you plan.

  • What are my long-term goals with homeschooling? (We are in it for the long haul, but if you are unsure and maybe plan to transition back to a brick-and-mortar school, make sure the curriculum transfers so your child doesn’t lose credit.)
  • What are some things that I value and want my children to know? (I want my children to love traveling and meeting new people from all around the world. In order to do this, we spend a lot of time learning about other cultures through travel, friendships, food, and a curriculum that has a global perspective)
  • How will my children learn their cultural languages? (I am still trying to figure this one out and will take any suggestions, but I am trying to expose them to as many languages as possible, including their cultural languages, and we include this as part of their schooling.)
  • How does our faith play out in their schooling? (We want our children to see God in all that we teach, and although we specifically teach the Bible, we try our best to let it infiltrate all topics that are taught.)
  • What history will they learn? (In school, we were taught a limited portion of history, and we strive to teach our kids history from the perspective of people of color, indigenous people whose land we live on, those who were poor and marginalized, whose voices were often unnoticed or silenced)
  • What extracurricular activities should we invest in? (We are not a family who loves a full schedule for the sake of it, but if one of our kids is interested in a certain sport, instrument, or type of art, we try to make room for all of these things as they are as important as the core subjects that they are learning)


If you are wondering how to choose a homeschool curriculum, I hope this helps you in deciding on what curriculum to pick that will work best for you and your family! One last thing to remember: curriculum can be something as simple as a book. If you are a family who is leaning more towards natural learning/unschooling, the curriculum doesn’t have to mean a “program.” Let me know what works for you and if you have any questions in the comments below!



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